KEMMCOM Media and Communications

KEMMCOM consolidates market position with renewed focus in 2023

In a bid to better position itself in the East African strategic advisory, consultancy, and training marketplace, KEMMCOM this week announced five focus areas across different sectors.

Founded in 2020, the premiere corporate development and corporate affairs consultancy firm has played a crucial role in some of the key regulatory and policy reforms Ethiopia has undertaken in the last five years and has so far completed more than ten projects for clients in the public, private, and non-profit sectors.

“It is an interesting time to be in East Africa with sweeping changes across different sectors as governments and businesses grapple with a global economic slowdown, rampant inflation, and foreign exchange shocks,” said Elshadai Negash, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of KEMMCOM. “The times call for robust solutions to protect gains made from reforms made to encourage private sector growth, but also ensure that the countries and businesses in the region gain grounds on the rapid demographic and technological changes sweeping across the continent.”

Anchored by its involvement in the drafting of Ethiopia’s new computer crimes proclamation in 2021 and encouraging by results of its partnership with global social media giant Meta in executing My Digital World, a digital literacy programme that raises awareness of safe and responsible social media use, KEMMCOM will expand its digital skills and education programmes with tailor-made delivery models across different sectors going forward. As part of the effort, KEMMCOM partners with the private sector, international organisations, and the public sector to build capacity of students, teachers, schools, and education systems to meet the challenges of our digital future in countries across East and Central Africa.

KEMMCOM’s goal is to combat unemployment and underemployment by removing impediments to job creation and job sustainability in organisations. As a management consulting firm, KEMMCOM plays a vital role in fostering an atmosphere where organisations can become sustainable through efficient workforce planning and implementation, matching of roles with talent, and policy changes to support the creation and maintenance of job creation programmes in organisations. To foster sustainability and better representation of the workforce, KEMMCOM consults governments, the private sector, and international organisations on integrating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) into labour assessments, employment, and people management practices.

A vibrant workforce and an inclusive work environment are two of the bedrocks for a growing economy and the proliferation of financial services in the capital markets. With Ethiopia liberalising and opening up its banking and telecoms sectors to foreign investment, KEMMCOM will contribute to this liberalisation process and the growth of finance, insurance, banking, and technology industries in the country through improving access to finance, fostering financial literacy, introducing investor education programmes, and supporting the bolstering of the systems of new capital market participants.

Opening the market to private sector competition and international investment is projected to result in reduced costs, superior service quality, and greater consumer choice. It will also serve as a springboard for Ethiopia’s future digital transformation. KEMMCOM will contribute to the development of Ethiopia’s technology and telecom by supporting the development of business services, development and implementation of Product Strategies, and advisory services to incoming service providers.

KEMMCOM played a leading role assisting the Office of the Attorney General (now called the Ministry of Justice) with the drafting and stakeholder consultation of the Ethiopian Media Proclamation that was ratified by the Ethiopian House of People’s Representatives in 2021 and helped introduce digital media as a regulated sector for the first time. It will continue providing advisory services to clients in the media sector by supporting corporate strengthening, product strategy, discovery of new business models, and robust regulatory support to clients with the support of partners.